Morais, Simão & Associados

Your legal law firm based in Portugal

Facing the wide world


Created in 2020, a Morais, Simão & Associates  is a law firm registered in the Portuguese National Association of Solicitors and Enforcement Agents with the register number 100176.

A missão principal  da MSA Law é criar valor para os nossos clientes e parceiros de negócio, encarando a prestação de serviços jurídicos como uma forma de nos aproximar de soluções inovadoras.

We are absolutely transparent: you will always know which are the costs and timelines of our legal service.

Our Values

Trust - This is our main pillar. To build it we use our personal and professional skills working with full transparency and empathy for your needs. We treat your challenges as ours because we know that the best way to grow is together.